シナモンは、欧米では料理用スパイスとしておなじみだが、アジアの幾つかの地域では何世紀も前より薬用として用いられてきた。この度の研究に参加した、食事療法或いは内服薬を投与されている2型糖尿病患者は、3グラムのシナモンパウダーに相当するシナモン(シナモン・カシア) 抽出物、又は同量の偽薬をそれぞれ毎日与えられた。そして4ヵ月後、シナモンを摂取したグループに於いて、飲食後8時間以上経過してから測定される「空腹時血糖値」が、実験開始時より10%も減少していた。中でも特に高い減少率を計測したのは、4ヶ月前には最も血糖値が高かった被験者達であった。一方の偽薬摂取グループでは、被験者らの血糖値に何の変化も見られなかった。
Cinnamon Reduces High Blood Sugar
According to a new study, a cinnamon extract might be able to lower blood sugar of people with type-2 diabetes.
The number of patients with type-2 diabetes has grown to more than 17 million in the U.S. and to about 150 million worldwide. In addition to exercise and a high-fiber and low-sugar diet, the patients often need to use oral medications and insulin injections in some cases to reduce their blood glucose levels.
Cinnamon (Cinnamon cassia) is well known as a culinary spice in the West whereas it has been used as a medical herb in parts of Asia since centuries ago. In the study, people with type-2 diabetes, who were treated with diet or oral medications, were given either a cinnamon extract (equivalent to 3 grams of cinnamon a day) or the same amount of placebo. Four months later, fasting blood glucose levels, which were measured eight or more hours after eating or drinking, dropped 10% in the cinnamon group. In particular, blood glucose levels of those in the group who had had the highest levels at the beginning of the study decreased the most. On the other hand, no change was found in the placebo group.
At this point, further research is expected to ascertain whether the safe and inexpensive spice works well enough to be used as a first-line treatment.
Maureen Williams. (Aug. 2006). Cinnamon Lowers High Blood Sugar.
New Hope Natural Media Online, Retrieved Sep 19, 2006, from
伊藤正男・井村裕夫・高久史麿 『医学書院 医学大辞典』 東京:医学書院, 2003年.